i feel like there are millions of other things to encase in blogstic. but david (and hopefully me) have been there and done that.
so, what is next?
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
you know what though?
it feels good to be blogging again. i think the contest will be finished soon too. we know i was going to encase nunchuks in plastic. we know what david encased ever so ironically in plastic. let's just whip em out and let someone decide.
tonight i encase and them we judge as soon as my nun chucks are not so tacky.
then we blog about other things because blogging is really good.
tonight i encase and them we judge as soon as my nun chucks are not so tacky.
then we blog about other things because blogging is really good.
it was weed in a pipe encased
in plastic. i totally thought it was awesome. i think what i was going to encase would have been awesomer. but we all know david saw it. and now i saw his.
what is this feeling?
i don't want it to be over. i never did. i guess that's why i dragged my feet. trying to keep it from being over. and now it's over and i won in a sense.
that did NOT help figure out what this feeling is.
too soon.
what is this feeling?
i don't want it to be over. i never did. i guess that's why i dragged my feet. trying to keep it from being over. and now it's over and i won in a sense.
that did NOT help figure out what this feeling is.
too soon.
end game is game over.
i guess. i dragged my feet and david encased and waited and i dragged my feet and he broke and showed me what he encased and it was funny but he did cave. so i guess i win by some sort of rules violation by david.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
omg i have not blogged in so dang long. but i am ready to get back on the blog horse. and most importantly, ready to encase irony in plastic.
(ABB stands for Always Be Blogging! and i will!)
(ABB stands for Always Be Blogging! and i will!)
Monday, January 14, 2008
is this thing blon?
blon. blog talk for on. blogging on again. why did i take so much time off, trusted reader? god, who can say? i guess since i am so new to all of this the pressure just sort of got to me.
i am, however, looking at the ironic thing that i am going to ironically encase in plastic for ironic purposes. i have a problem.
i love it. and i don't want to see it be encased in plastic.
yeah i do.
i am, however, looking at the ironic thing that i am going to ironically encase in plastic for ironic purposes. i have a problem.
i love it. and i don't want to see it be encased in plastic.
yeah i do.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
what shall it profit a man if he wins an encasing something ironic in plastic contest, but loses his own soul?
any ideas on how to encase an emoticon?
my thing.
what if i know what i want to encase in plastic, but i can't get a hold of that thing?
man. was i supposed to just find it around the house?
now it is two fold. at least i know my thing, ironic as hell, to encase in plastic. this might take awhile. shit.
don't hold your breath, people.
encase it in plastic!
man. was i supposed to just find it around the house?
now it is two fold. at least i know my thing, ironic as hell, to encase in plastic. this might take awhile. shit.
don't hold your breath, people.
encase it in plastic!
Monday, January 7, 2008
what the duck?
went to lunch with david. we ate chinese dumpling noodle soup with bock choi. choy? david added duck to his soup. what does that mean? is it symbolic?
am i really trying to read the tea leaves from his duck to figure out what ironic thing he is planning on encasing in plastic?
oh god, what is happening?
why the dark thoughts, michael?
sake clouds, people.
use it sparingly.
am i really trying to read the tea leaves from his duck to figure out what ironic thing he is planning on encasing in plastic?
oh god, what is happening?
why the dark thoughts, michael?
sake clouds, people.
use it sparingly.
american gladicasors?

american plastiators?
american gladiplasters?
is there any way to make this funny?
or ironic?
probably not. but david and his lovely lady friend and corky and me and my super lovley lady friend had dinner at my house and watched the new american gladiators. wow. bright lights and writers strike. no good. not good. except watching that first woman poop the bed on the eliminator. that was good.
but david and i were "clearly" uneasy around each other. i tried to make him drink a lot of sake , you know, japanese truth serum, and let me know about his encasing something ironic in plastic contest progress. no go. it's as if he had some experience drinking alcohol or something. he just sat there and laughed at funny things.
well, i really don't want to know. i just want to encase the mosre ironic thing in plastic and get back to being friends with david. after i win.
btw: after the contest about encasing the most ironic thing in plastic david and i are thinking about teaching a class at continuing education night school. that's right. soon you will be able to learn how to have a encasing something ironic in plastic contest of your very own.
i wish i could encase mondays in plastic and just flush them down the pooper. uhhhggghhh!
well, got to to go do it.
peeeessss out.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Saturday, January 5, 2008
who to lean on?
friends love to help. if yours don't, well, ask them if they are your friends. watch them fidgit or start helping. or be dicks. at least you know where you all stand in the world.
i saw some friends last night at my second straight night at the taco shop david would not join me at because he is so obsessed about blogging about encasing the most ironic thing in plastic and i saw friends! love them. i saw jess, dana and kerri. jess and i had emailed earlier about what i might want to ironically encase in plastic. (there is a difference i am noticing in my syntax or whatnot. encasing something ironic versus ironically encasing something. probably obvious to you. but i am so close to this.) jess had some great ideas. dana seemed to indicate that i had this contest all but locked up. kerri was kind of in the dark. but man she makes good rice pudding. my lady friend also has some really awesome ideas. she is about as smart as they make humans. i feel good with all the support i am getting. but i know at the end, it's me out there, by myself. with david. the two of us. by ourselves. with our ironic thing encased in plastic. surrounded by friends in a really fun environment with a party type atmosphere.
thank god for friends.
friends like dana.
friends love to help. if yours don't, well, ask them if they are your friends. watch them fidgit or start helping. or be dicks. at least you know where you all stand in the world.
i saw some friends last night at my second straight night at the taco shop david would not join me at because he is so obsessed about blogging about encasing the most ironic thing in plastic and i saw friends! love them. i saw jess, dana and kerri. jess and i had emailed earlier about what i might want to ironically encase in plastic. (there is a difference i am noticing in my syntax or whatnot. encasing something ironic versus ironically encasing something. probably obvious to you. but i am so close to this.) jess had some great ideas. dana seemed to indicate that i had this contest all but locked up. kerri was kind of in the dark. but man she makes good rice pudding. my lady friend also has some really awesome ideas. she is about as smart as they make humans. i feel good with all the support i am getting. but i know at the end, it's me out there, by myself. with david. the two of us. by ourselves. with our ironic thing encased in plastic. surrounded by friends in a really fun environment with a party type atmosphere.
thank god for friends.
friends like dana.
Friday, January 4, 2008
table tennis.

i used to play table tennis with david. we had a good time. 2007, where are ye? so much blogging. so much encasing ironic things in plastic thinking. maybe when it is over we will still play table tennis.
i can see it now at the unveiling: my ironic thing encased in plastic: a table tennis ball.
davids ironic thing encased in plastic: a table tennis paddle.
then there are tears.
and table tennis.
anyone else feeling the pinch?
hey portland, it's windy out there.
stay warm.

is who i bumped into earlier. i like ross. he has been reading the blog about the contest david and i are having about who can encase the most ironic or cool thing in plastic. we talked about his art project where he is drawing every page of a magazine about professional wrestling. it is very dtailed and is truly a labor of love. like a seurat, but done by ross. it is taking him a long time. and it made me think, what is the difference between what he and david and i are doing? a lot, really. his subject matter is laid out for him, and it is up to him to rethink and re-imagine within certain art parameters that he set out for himself early on. david and i are putting ironic things in liquid plastic. striking while the iron is wet, really. ross is like chuck close but he could make it into my house for dinner.
david and i get one shot at this.
one damn skeet each for all the marbles.
ross is also not competing with anyone else. except ross. who is a stern task master. if you have seen ross lately, you can tell he has held himself close to the flame.
the list:
well, it seems like it might be time to let you in on what i am thinking about encasing in plastic. concrete evidence of thinking about encasing something ironic in plastic.
wait, is this a good idea?
does david read this?
is that what this has come to?
i can't let that cloud my blog and ruin the use of the space. i am blessed to have this forum. so are we all.
NEWSFLASH: taryn lange just came into my office and asked if we are putting things in a plastic box. i really fear people are not getting it. and taryn is pretty smart. i guess that's why the blog exists.
i don't think i am ready to put out a partial list. it seems wrong right now in light of everyones confusion. i need to get back into a headspace that i like better: mine!
wait, is this a good idea?
does david read this?
is that what this has come to?
i can't let that cloud my blog and ruin the use of the space. i am blessed to have this forum. so are we all.
NEWSFLASH: taryn lange just came into my office and asked if we are putting things in a plastic box. i really fear people are not getting it. and taryn is pretty smart. i guess that's why the blog exists.
i don't think i am ready to put out a partial list. it seems wrong right now in light of everyones confusion. i need to get back into a headspace that i like better: mine!
shot out of a cannon and into a
blog wise.
but as far as encasing the coolest and ironic thing in plastic wise i am flitting about like a methhead.
and that feels pretty good.
saw david walking with a girl last night. i invited him to come eat tacos with my friend who is a real pretty lady.
he declined.
i guess he needed to blog or something. sure didn't look like he was on the ironic thing to encase in plastic prowl. but i am sure i don't look like i am when i am on the town like i was either.
but i was.
but i was mostly enjoying the company of my friend.
she understands what kind of pressures i am under.
thank heaven.
blog wise.
but as far as encasing the coolest and ironic thing in plastic wise i am flitting about like a methhead.
and that feels pretty good.
saw david walking with a girl last night. i invited him to come eat tacos with my friend who is a real pretty lady.
he declined.
i guess he needed to blog or something. sure didn't look like he was on the ironic thing to encase in plastic prowl. but i am sure i don't look like i am when i am on the town like i was either.
but i was.
but i was mostly enjoying the company of my friend.
she understands what kind of pressures i am under.
thank heaven.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
i don't sleep. i
encase. (and blog! LOL!) i slogged through the rain with my computer so i could blog at ya'll throughout the night.
what are we talking about here?
i'll tell you what: a contest i am having with david about encasing the most ironic thing possible in plastic.
that is it.
if you find humor in it, well, we are funny enough guys. but the humor is secondary.
if you are looking for humor, look for a humor blog.
they are out there.
that being said, i want you all to have a great time and laugh and cry and cringe and cheer with us as we compete to see who can encase the most ironic or cool thing in plastic.
chowee wowee!
that is it.
if you find humor in it, well, we are funny enough guys. but the humor is secondary.
if you are looking for humor, look for a humor blog.
they are out there.
that being said, i want you all to have a great time and laugh and cry and cringe and cheer with us as we compete to see who can encase the most ironic or cool thing in plastic.
chowee wowee!
are you trying to encase something ironic in plastic just because david is?
is this a fad?
how are you going to make any money encasing ironic things in plastic?
what about the fumes?
all questions i have thought about. even brought up to myself.
well, i have true passion for this. would i be tending to the fires of a endlessly thumbed through blog about encasing the most ironic thing in plastic if i were not passionate about this?
i have the passion.
i imagine i have the know how.
and i have the basement workshop.
i also have a pretty god damned good understanding of what is ironic and what is not ironic.
and even when ironic things become played out. so i am pretty much immune to the "i like! yess!!" syndrome.
oh behave!
is this a fad?
how are you going to make any money encasing ironic things in plastic?
what about the fumes?
all questions i have thought about. even brought up to myself.
well, i have true passion for this. would i be tending to the fires of a endlessly thumbed through blog about encasing the most ironic thing in plastic if i were not passionate about this?
i have the passion.
i imagine i have the know how.
and i have the basement workshop.
i also have a pretty god damned good understanding of what is ironic and what is not ironic.
and even when ironic things become played out. so i am pretty much immune to the "i like! yess!!" syndrome.
oh behave!
the most ironic thing to encase in plastic
would be my own heart.
i only wish i could tear out my heart and drop it in plastic, pour the rest of the plastic in, put some catalyst in there, die, and then see the look on davids face as he realizes i paid the greatest price.
god, the songs they would sing.
i only wish i could tear out my heart and drop it in plastic, pour the rest of the plastic in, put some catalyst in there, die, and then see the look on davids face as he realizes i paid the greatest price.
god, the songs they would sing.
"encase" you missed it.

i was chatting about encasing something ironic in plastic with david down by his microwave earlier today. (in this office we have "quads" where we all sit. each "quad" has a kitchen of sorts. equipped with sinks and fridges and microwave ovens. it's all quite lovely.) another coworker came up to us. she is great. she has been reading our blogs for some time now. she commented that she was not sure if encasing something ironic in plastic meant putting something in a box, or actually putting something into liquid that hardens and then becomes an actual cultural artifact.
well, it is the latter.
the artifact one.
which is why i assume david is freaking out.
to be honest, david has what it takes to put something ironic in plastic for the ages.
i just wonder if he can find something that will endure the test of time.
and remain ironic forever.
because thats how long these pieces will be judged.
caveat: is this post a monkey wrench meant to send davids mind awhirling again?
cue the laughing that dog did.
i eat tacos in the strip club.
that statement, outside of stumptown PDX, might raise some eyebrows. but here in rip city it's really nothing special. lots of taco places. lots of stripclubs. lots of people with similar business plans.
you might think a taqueria would be just full of ironic things to encase in plastic. especially one who's bathroom requires a walk through an active, or at least open, stripteasing bar.
i did.
until i sat there looking at all the bottles of hot sauce and stuff like that. really? ironic at all?
am i too close to this? i fear i might be.
you might think a taqueria would be just full of ironic things to encase in plastic. especially one who's bathroom requires a walk through an active, or at least open, stripteasing bar.
i did.
until i sat there looking at all the bottles of hot sauce and stuff like that. really? ironic at all?
am i too close to this? i fear i might be.
it's all about politics where david and i work.
aaron allen wrote an email about his lost wedding ring.
and i blogged about it.
and then jay berry wrote that he did not write the email from aaron allen about the lost wedding ring and then i realized, i might have been had.
whether or not aaron actually wrote about his lost wedding ring or it was jay or it was some other prankster, i feel stupid for forgetting the purpose of this blog.
it is to let you know where i am at in this mind fuck of a contest that is who can ironically encase something plastic better. me or david.
and i am letting it slip away.
slap my face and get down to brass tacks.
damn politics.
itunes jam du moment': feel so good. by cactus.
aaron allen wrote an email about his lost wedding ring.
and i blogged about it.
and then jay berry wrote that he did not write the email from aaron allen about the lost wedding ring and then i realized, i might have been had.
whether or not aaron actually wrote about his lost wedding ring or it was jay or it was some other prankster, i feel stupid for forgetting the purpose of this blog.
it is to let you know where i am at in this mind fuck of a contest that is who can ironically encase something plastic better. me or david.
and i am letting it slip away.
slap my face and get down to brass tacks.
damn politics.
itunes jam du moment': feel so good. by cactus.
aaron allens wedding ring.
if david thinks finding it and encasing it in plastic for ironic purposes is a good idea, well then i am basically on easy street.
that would not be ironic.
that would not be ironic.
the waiting game.

if memory serves, david spoke of encasing my ironic encasing tools in plastic. could i encase what he encased ironically in plastic ironically in plastic?
is that a cop out?
well, not if i encase ironically in plastic what he encases ironically in plastic and what he encases ironically in plastic is what he thinks is my ironic plastic encasing supplies. that's right. fake ironic plastic encasing supplies. i might very well be making them right now.
"see your enemies move before he makes it, and you have seen his move before he has." sun tzu.
the more i think about what i will encase, ironically, in plastic, the more i realize i have one chance at this. when the catalyst hits the polymer it is go time. the ironic thing needs to be in the soup or we are just looking at a half cooked clear cube, or whatever shape non glass or paper container i find.
it is basically one shot, one kill.
and then, who is tom berenger and who is billy zane?
it is basically one shot, one kill.
and then, who is tom berenger and who is billy zane?
still at home. not at work. but always
thinking about encasing something ironic in plastic.
this morning the first thing i wanted to encase in plastic was youtube.
could you imagine?
time to get on the bike and ride to work and look for things that are ironic and still retain their irony while encased in plastic for the ages.
god, that just made my heart race.
for the ages?
i wonder if david knows how deep we are in this now?
this morning the first thing i wanted to encase in plastic was youtube.
could you imagine?
time to get on the bike and ride to work and look for things that are ironic and still retain their irony while encased in plastic for the ages.
god, that just made my heart race.
for the ages?
i wonder if david knows how deep we are in this now?
early morning ironic plastic encasing musing over
coffee! oh the irony of encasing davids ever important coffee in plastic. he'd be all like "time for a sip" and then clunk, plastic hits face.
thinking thinking thinking.
thinking thinking thinking.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
why do we compete? good lord, what drives us to try and literally bash another mans head into a solid block of acrylic plastic with something ironic encased in it? we as a species have been trying to bash each other to death with whatever we could get our hands on. bone. rock. bone encased in plastic. sword (blunt side). we bash to get ahead. we always have and we always will. so here i am literally trying to bash davids head in. and this guy is my pal. what happens inside of a man that makes him become a "killerman"? i didn't think that was who i am, but light a fire underneath me and insert a contest about trying to encase the most ironic thing in plastic and put me up against another dude, well, that who i become.
i have to say, i think this is a really interesting post about mans need to compete. possibly the most interesting i have read of late.
well, back to thinking about awesome ironic things to encase in plastic.
i have to say, i think this is a really interesting post about mans need to compete. possibly the most interesting i have read of late.
well, back to thinking about awesome ironic things to encase in plastic.
is what i am. notice the time this blog post is blog posted. seven at NIGHT. yes, night.
we are through the looking glass people.
note to david, because i know you are reading this, looking for ideas for something to ironically encase in plastic, a looking glass would be really ironic thing to encase in plastic.
trap be set.
we are through the looking glass people.
note to david, because i know you are reading this, looking for ideas for something to ironically encase in plastic, a looking glass would be really ironic thing to encase in plastic.
trap be set.
the only limits in life are the limits we put on ourselves.
and the only limits in encasing something ironic in plastic is how big and wet it is. can't be too big. or too wet.
the aristotlean logic of that seems to imply that whatever i (or david, i guess.) encases in plastic will not be as amazing as life.
(remember: Fuck, fucking life fucking rules!)
but i bet (side bet, anyone?) that whatever the winning ironic item encased in plastic will actually be as inspiring as a well lived life, like that of joeseph conrad or somebody that awesome.
and tangible and portable as well.
this thing is really getting important.
itunes currently blasting: hand of stone. by mastadon.
keep it real, peeps.
and the only limits in encasing something ironic in plastic is how big and wet it is. can't be too big. or too wet.
the aristotlean logic of that seems to imply that whatever i (or david, i guess.) encases in plastic will not be as amazing as life.
(remember: Fuck, fucking life fucking rules!)
but i bet (side bet, anyone?) that whatever the winning ironic item encased in plastic will actually be as inspiring as a well lived life, like that of joeseph conrad or somebody that awesome.
and tangible and portable as well.
this thing is really getting important.
itunes currently blasting: hand of stone. by mastadon.
keep it real, peeps.
what if
the ironic thing was so unironic it was ironic? imagine the face of david when i win with a pen in plastic. he'd be all like "that's just a pen" and after thinking about all the hype and hoopla, he would realize he was had, be cause the pen was just so uninspired that really it was genius.
or is this a red herring for snoopy snoopums david out there snooping through my blog like a little snooper?
his head must be as spinning as mine would be if he had thought to pull this kind of mind crap with me first!
stay tuned and stay awesome peeps!
or is this a red herring for snoopy snoopums david out there snooping through my blog like a little snooper?
his head must be as spinning as mine would be if he had thought to pull this kind of mind crap with me first!
stay tuned and stay awesome peeps!
the world is watching
and i ain't about to be disappointin'. to think, just few posts ago we were so innocent. it was i hope david encases something somewhat ironic in plastic, but not as ironic as what i encase in plastic oh well la la la la! and now, lord, jimm lasser and alex dobson and maybe even others are reading this and i am about to lose my mind. it almost makes me want to stop reading my own and davids own press and get back to the art of encasing something ironic in plastic. yeah man, old school!
back to the irony mines!
itunes jeepbeat: trouble no more. The allman brothers band.
back to the irony mines!
itunes jeepbeat: trouble no more. The allman brothers band.
i am the first to add this element. i know it is not something ironic encased in plastic. i am still on point and i realize it is getting pretty damn mission critical around here, but still, i am first in this department. blogs have really progressed since the early days, no?
those of you in the rose city, try to stay dry.
the rest of you, enjoy 200GREAT!
those of you in the rose city, try to stay dry.
the rest of you, enjoy 200GREAT!
in the spirit of fairness
i am going to link to davids blog about trying (burn!) to beat me at encasing something ironic in plastic. then you can see how it is all sorting out.
peas out!
peas out!
thinking bout' laptops.....
...to blog from home from!
any good ideas?
send them my way!
current itrax: give me another chance. by big star.
keep dry people.
any good ideas?
send them my way!
current itrax: give me another chance. by big star.
keep dry people.
the word of mouth is mightier than the sword of
blog? possibly. in trying to get the word out about htis contest between david and myself about who can encase the most ironic thing in plastic, i realized people need the old meet and greet to get motivated to follow the ups and downs and ins and outs of david and i encasing ironic things in plastic. hope as we might want to, people just don't search function "encased in plastic, ironic" and look for all the blogs about that. nope. they need to told face to face about it. that's why i have been on a tour of the office recently and told people to look at out blogs. i have even stood over them (i am quite imposing, although super duper gentle.) and waited for them to log on and read the entire history of the blogs, all the while still standing over them. it seems to be working. i guess when people start getting all partisan about who will encase something more ironic in plastic, david or myself, i am hoping that that is when i start ramping up the ironic. not that i'm not motivated right now. shit, this could just be between me and david with no blog presence whatsoever and i would be happy about it. assuming there was a webpage or zine made about it after the fact, of course.
to use a phrase made super famous by david: god, fucking life fucking rules.
current itune jam jamming out of my itunes: my wife. by the who.
to use a phrase made super famous by david: god, fucking life fucking rules.
current itune jam jamming out of my itunes: my wife. by the who.
i recently took a trip to the other side of blogtown...
...and found out that david had blogged about going to coffee with me. and it was decidedly NOT all on the up and up. he is all evil ears when we are together. will this contest to encase something ironic in plastic tear us apart?
current itune hit on my itunes whilst blogging at ya: trampled underfoot by the mighty ZEP!
current itune hit on my itunes whilst blogging at ya: trampled underfoot by the mighty ZEP!
rainy day blues lead to...
...encasing something ironic in plastic clues! recently went on a walk in the rain with david to get coffee. looks as if he is entirely in the dark about what ironic thing he is going to encase in plastic.
i'm not sure if he was playing possum or not.
crap, now i think he might be the most wiley person i have ever met.
well, we did talk about moisture content and how that might affect the final ironic outcome. so the meeting had strong science and coffee merit.
current itune hit rollin' through my itunes: trampled underfoot by led zepplin.
good times! sometimes i just know i can beat david at encasing something ironic in plastic. just know it!
i'm not sure if he was playing possum or not.
crap, now i think he might be the most wiley person i have ever met.
well, we did talk about moisture content and how that might affect the final ironic outcome. so the meeting had strong science and coffee merit.
current itune hit rollin' through my itunes: trampled underfoot by led zepplin.
good times! sometimes i just know i can beat david at encasing something ironic in plastic. just know it!
anyone out there cruising the blogosphere
with any ideas for something ironic i could encase in plastic and not for david to encase in plastic? i realize that he is soliciting online ideas for great ironic things to encase in plastic, and i hadn't thought to milk that avenue. so to be fair, if you have an idea for something ironic to encase in plastic, and you just don't like davids tone or you just like to mix it up, well drop me a line. i'll be here.
be well.
be well.
second thoughts.
if you, my intrepid reader, have been following my blog posts about the contest i am in with david about encasing something ironic in plastic, you will have read my entry on the idea of encasing irony itself in plastic. well, after much thought, i have decided to forgo it. not that i couldn't. i had it all figured out. and to be honest, i am glad i did not encase all of irony in plastic. i think it would have won, (it actually would have had to win by definition.) but i'd rather live in a world where healthy competition breeds art and art based plastic resin capturings. i ramble so! back to contemplating what ironic thing to encase in plastic. what an age we live in! and in the spirit of davids (lovely, yes lovely.) posts,
be well.
be well.
endgame. so soon?
i have decided to skip right ahead of david and the rest of the entire encasing something ironic in plastic community and will be actually encasing irony in plastic. it will be no small feat, mind you, but i think i am up to it. the irony is when i have encased irony in plastic there will be no way to admire it ironically, nor will there be any irony about it, because, yes, irony will be encased entirely in plastic. i guess this is the risk you run when you set two madmen (me and dave.) on some sort of madman quest.
i recently read david's blog,
and i got to say, he seems like he is panicking. all i know is when i blog about encasing ironic things in plastic my mind is swimming with amazing ironic things to encase in plastic. so forgive me if i post every few minutes, it's how i work. it feels weird to be this lucky.
nutz and boltz
i guess i can't really encase something large and ironic in plastic. obviously larger is ironicer. and i can't let my feelings get in the way of this and put david's car keys in plastic or something like that. that would be lame. and not ironic. plus he can get around town in a myriad of ways. and then there is the matter of who decides what is ironically encased in plastic. judging. that's really what it comes down to. i think we need to get that guy from the know who talks about mustard seeds to be the judge. what's his name? post to comments if you know who i am talking about.
oh come on david,
look at how many blog posts i have done already. like four or five! god, if my plastic encasing is anything like my blogging it is going to be through the roof with ironic coolness. i bet my ironic thing encased in plastic is photographed for juxtapoz magazine or wallpaper magazine and yours is relegated to mass appeal magazine. ha!
that being said,
i will totally encase the shit out of something ironic in plastic. and david will just have to sit back and suck it.
fucking prick.
that's pretty much the only way i can sum up the feeling i have toward my "friend" david neevel. does he really think he can encase something more awesome and ironic in plastic? does he not know that i invented wearing ironic tshirts? god.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
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