i used to play table tennis with david. we had a good time. 2007, where are ye? so much blogging. so much encasing ironic things in plastic thinking. maybe when it is over we will still play table tennis.
i can see it now at the unveiling: my ironic thing encased in plastic: a table tennis ball.
davids ironic thing encased in plastic: a table tennis paddle.
then there are tears.
and table tennis.
anyone else feeling the pinch?
hey portland, it's windy out there.
stay warm.
I like the ping pong ball idea, cause the ball is made out of plastic and you would be encasing it in plastic, so that is kind of ironic... also if you could find some kryptonite that would be great, cause it is a fictional mineral, so it doesn't exist, but if you could find some and encase it in plastic... that my friend would be ironic.... also have you thought of something perishable, like fruit or meat... that could be gross and ironic... I'm sorry my ideas aren't great... I have just begun to wrap my mind around your cause and I am sure I can do better with some time to think...
thanks aaron.
your ideas are great. just young. like mine once were.
welcome to the beginning of a great journey.
david and i will see you at the end, like bilbo and gandalf.
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