Wednesday, January 2, 2008


why do we compete? good lord, what drives us to try and literally bash another mans head into a solid block of acrylic plastic with something ironic encased in it? we as a species have been trying to bash each other to death with whatever we could get our hands on. bone. rock. bone encased in plastic. sword (blunt side). we bash to get ahead. we always have and we always will. so here i am literally trying to bash davids head in. and this guy is my pal. what happens inside of a man that makes him become a "killerman"? i didn't think that was who i am, but light a fire underneath me and insert a contest about trying to encase the most ironic thing in plastic and put me up against another dude, well, that who i become.

i have to say, i think this is a really interesting post about mans need to compete. possibly the most interesting i have read of late.

well, back to thinking about awesome ironic things to encase in plastic.


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