is who i bumped into earlier. i like ross. he has been reading the blog about the contest david and i are having about who can encase the most ironic or cool thing in plastic. we talked about his art project where he is drawing every page of a magazine about professional wrestling. it is very dtailed and is truly a labor of love. like a seurat, but done by ross. it is taking him a long time. and it made me think, what is the difference between what he and david and i are doing? a lot, really. his subject matter is laid out for him, and it is up to him to rethink and re-imagine within certain art parameters that he set out for himself early on. david and i are putting ironic things in liquid plastic. striking while the iron is wet, really. ross is like chuck close but he could make it into my house for dinner.
david and i get one shot at this.
one damn skeet each for all the marbles.
ross is also not competing with anyone else. except ross. who is a stern task master. if you have seen ross lately, you can tell he has held himself close to the flame.
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